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Medical Marijuana Often Substituted For Other Medicines

Previous studies have demonstrated that opioid deaths have reduced in states that have legalized medical cannabis (marijuana). One explanation is that patients simply substitute marijuana for opioids. This study evaluated whether substituting marijuana was true for other psychoactive medications. 1,513 dispensary members in New England completed an online survey regarding their marijuana usage and substitution […]

alcohol anti-inflammatory disease liver marijuana Medical Marijuana Research non-user protect protects users

Marijuana Use Seems To Protect From Liver Disease

Abusing alcohol is highly associated with causing liver disease (ALD) characterized by alcoholic steatosis (AS), steatohepatitis (AH), fibrosis, cirrhosis (AC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Although the combined use of cannabis (marijuana) with alcohol and the development of liver disease remains unclear, cannabis has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect on human physiology. The authors […]

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Marijuana Use Associated With Less Diabetes

Yet another strange finding from the medical world involving the potential benefits of cannabis (marijuana) on human physiology. Researchers presumed that cannabis users should have a higher likelihood of diabetes than non users. They were wrong. In this study, the informational data was taken from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions III. […]

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Cannabis Reduces Alcohol Associated Gastritis.

Sometimes the most surprising relationships show up when looking at research. This study analyzed hospital discharge records for adults 18 years of age or older who had been diagnosed with risky alcohol use, and using an algorithm matched 30,713 of them as cannabis (marijuana) users with 30,713 non cannabis users. They revealed that risky alcohol […]

alcohol cannabis habits health marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research MMJ natural natural medicine recreational use users

Medical MMJ Users Express Healthier Habits Than Recreational Users

As the United States re-enters an era in which marijuana becomes legal again (state by state) for usage, there will still be many false stigmas which some will face with friends and family. A few of these may be oriented around the “you just want to get high” type of accusations, despite the fact you […]

age alcohol anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant autoimmunity brain cannabinoids cannabis chronic disease diseases effective harm health immune inflammation marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medicinal medicine MMJ nerve nervous opioid opioids pain recreational reduction side effect side effects substance substances tobacco

Is Marijuana medicine?

For many, the first question may be: “Is marijuana really medicinal?” Once the propaganda has been pushed aside and facts are visible, it’s easy to find the answer is undoubtedly YES. First of all, consider that the United States government owns a patent on the marijuana plant due to it’s fantastic health properties. It’s # […]