cannabis legalize marijuana marijuana benefits Medical Marijuana Research opioid opioids

Marijuana Laws And Opioid Prescriptions

In regard to the opioid epidemic in the United States, the simple act of over-prescribing is considered to be a significant factor. In contrast, the utilization of cannabis (marijuana) is an alternative that can relieve pain with very little risk for addiction, and the near impossibility of risk for overdose. The authors of this study […]

CBD Medical Marijuana Research opioid opioids pain sleep

Marijuana Component Helps Reduce Opioid Use

It’s no secret that chronic pain is prevalent in industrialized nations, and despite the horrific effects, opioids are still commonly prescribed for relief. This study, published in 2019 in the journal Postgraduate Medicine, evaluated what effect CBD-rich, full hemp (marijuana, cannabis) extract would have on quality of life and opioid consumption. 97 patients who were […]

alcohol anti-depressant Medical Marijuana Research opioid opioids pain tobacco

Marijuana Plant Users Decrease Drug Use

The medical world is becoming increasingly aware that when given a choice, many patients choose to utilize the natural cannabis plant (marijuana) instead of synthetic chemicals. This study, published in the Harm Reduction Journal, evaluated 2,032 surveys completed by registered Canadian medical cannabis patients regarding their patterns of use and substitution for opioids and other […]

chronic Medical Marijuana Research opiate use disorder opioid opioids pain relief

Why Opiate Users Use Marijuana

It is well known there is a relationship between opiate users and the use of cannabis (marijuana), but some opiate users consume specifically for pain control, and others are using them for medically assisted opiate use disorder. This study, published in American Society for Pain Management Nursing, was performed to determine if there was truly […]

benzodiazepenes cannabis marijuana marijuana benefits Medical Marijuana Research opioid opioids prescriptions

Marijuana Users Pop Less Pills

Chronic pain is the most common reason given for obtaining a license for medical cannabis (marijuana). It is also well known that chronic pain is common, challenging to treat, and costly to the medical system and the individual. This study, published in The Journal of Pain, evaluated the surveys of 1,321 medical cannabis users with […]

cannabis marijuana marijuana benefits Medical Marijuana Research MMJ opioid opioids pain quality of life sleep

Marijuana Reduces Opiate Use And Increases Quality Of Life

A 21 month observation period of 37 habitual opioid using chronic pain patients who were enrolled in the New Mexico medical cannabis program was performed and they were compared to 29 non-enrolled patients. This 21 month period included 3 months prior to beginning cannabis treatment, and focused on opioid prescription activity in order to measure […]

brain marijuana marijuana benefits Medical Marijuana Research MMJ opioid opioids pain

MMJ Decreases Opioid Use And Improves Brain Function

MMJ is the abbreviation for medical marijuana, which is the medical utilization of the naturally occurring whole cannabis plant for therapeutic purposes, the most common of which is the reduction of pain. As more individuals partake of this natural plant in a medicinal fashion, opportunities continue to arise which allow new studies of its effects, […]

cannabis legalize marijuana marijuana benefits Medical Marijuana Research opioid opioids prescriptions

Marijuana Laws Reduce Opiate Prescriptions

The purpose of this paper was to evaluate any relationship between the implementation of Colorado’s recreational cannabis (marijuana) law and the trends regarding opioid prescriptions. Colorado was compared with Utah and Maryland, two states without marijuana laws, for this purpose. Examinations were done on the prescription distribution of nine opiate based pain medications and two […]

cannabis codeine marijuana Medical Marijuana Research morphine opioid pain THC

Adding THC Led To Significant Opioid Reduction

In the battle to fight pain, opioids play a significant role, but as more people become aware of their dangers, they seek options which can prove to be safer. Opioids are considered to have significant side effects including constipation, impaired sleep, respiratory depression, and the risk of use disorder and related mortality. Sometimes using combinations […]

anxiety benzodiazepenes cannabis depression elderly marijuana Medical Marijuana Research opioid pain spine

Marijuana Use Increasing In Elderly

It may come as a surprise to some, but the fastest growing segment of cannabis (marijuana) users seems to be the 60 year and older age range. For example, data for December 2018 in Colorado shows that individuals 50 and older account for more than 35% of the registered medical users, all of which list […]