anti-inflammatory asthma cannabidiol cannabis CBD inflammation marijuana Medical Marijuana Research

Marijuana Component Could Treat Asthma

Asthma is a disease where an allergen can induce airway inflammation, hyper-responsiveness, and temporary airway obstruction. Cannabidiol, or CBD as it is often called, is found within cannabis (marijuana) and is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect. This study set out to determine if the anti-inflammatory effect of CBD would alter the blood levels of […]

asthma cannabis marijuana Medical Marijuana Research THC

Marijuana Worked Just As Well As This Asthma Drug

In this study from 1975, 8 patients with clinically stable bronchial asthma were studied. Bronchospasm was induced either chemically or from exercise, and the reduction of airway conduction and the increase of thoracic gas volume was noted. Results showed that smoking 500 mg of cannabis (marijuana) containing 2% THC worked as well as isoproterenol in […]

asthma cannabis double-blind health marijuana Medical Marijuana Research placebo THC treatment

Marijuana Beneficial For Asthma

Many automatically associate all types of smoking with similar negative health responses, but surprisingly, cannabis (marijuana) doesn’t usually fit into that negative category. In this study, 10 volunteer stable asthmatic patients participated in a double-blind placebo controlled study in the laboratory of a respiratory unit. They received either placebo, THC, or the synthetic drug salbutamol. […]