anti-cancer cancer cannabidiol cannabis CBD marijuana marijuana benefits Medical Marijuana Research prostate

Marijuana Component For Prostate Cancer

Cannabinoids from marijuana (cannabis) are known to induce cell death of prostate cancer cells by stimulating cannabinoid receptors. The most common cannabinoid is THC, but this study from 2012 evaluated the effect of cannabidiol (CBD) on prostate cancer. In short, CBD significantly inhibited the ability of prostate cancer cells to live. Their findings were so […]

Coronavirus Covid-19 lung lungs Medical Marijuana Research respiratory

Cannabis For Covid-19 (Coronavirus)?

One of the most detrimental components of experiencing a corona virus infection (such as Covid-19) can be the acute inflammation caused by an over-reactive “cytokine storm”. Clinical reports indicate that this is associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This study found that CBD from marijuana decreases inflammation by decreasing cytokines and may therefore be […]

alcohol anti-depressant Medical Marijuana Research opioid opioids pain tobacco

Marijuana Plant Users Decrease Drug Use

The medical world is becoming increasingly aware that when given a choice, many patients choose to utilize the natural cannabis plant (marijuana) instead of synthetic chemicals. This study, published in the Harm Reduction Journal, evaluated 2,032 surveys completed by registered Canadian medical cannabis patients regarding their patterns of use and substitution for opioids and other […]

chronic Medical Marijuana Research opiate use disorder opioid opioids pain relief

Why Opiate Users Use Marijuana

It is well known there is a relationship between opiate users and the use of cannabis (marijuana), but some opiate users consume specifically for pain control, and others are using them for medically assisted opiate use disorder. This study, published in American Society for Pain Management Nursing, was performed to determine if there was truly […]