cannabis current marijuana Medical Marijuana Research success tobacco usage users

Marijuana Does Not Interfere With Ending Tobacco

Tobacco and cannabis (marijuana) are frequently used together, and this study set out to determine if the usage of marijuana interfered with the success of those wishing to cease tobacco usage. 1,246 treatment-seeking tobacco smokers were enrolled in this study, and 220 of those were current marijuana users. Outcomes were determined after 12 weeks of […]

benefit cannabis CBD epilepsy marijuana Medical Marijuana Research reduce reduction seizure seizures THC usage

Marijuana Preparations Usually Help Epilepsy

This study showed that 86% of 272 patients with refractory epilepsy experienced some benefit from the use of artisanal (non-standardized) cannabis preparations. This comes from retrospective data on patients with medically refractory epilepsy of mixed etiologies from Washington, California and Maine. Cannabis (marijuana) provided 100% reduction of seizures for 10% of the users, a 76-99% […]