cannabis function marijuana Medical Marijuana Research orgasm sex use users

Marijuana Enhances Sexual Satisfaction

The purpose of this study was to analyze individual human perceptions regarding what effect cannabis (marijuana) had on sexual function and satisfaction. They used a standard criteria for sexual response cycle consisting of desire, excitement, orgasm, plateau, resolution, and satisfaction. Participants included 811 individuals of varying ages, occupations, cannabis use preferences and gender. Overall, it […]

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Marijuana Users Have More Sex

In order to evaluate the relationship between cannabis (marijuana) use and sexual frequency, this study analyzed data from the National Survey of Family Growth gathered between 2002 and 2015. The results of 28,176 women and 22,943 men who all averaged just under 30 years of age were evaluated for the four weeks just prior to […]

cannabis marijuana Medical Marijuana Research sex

Marijuana Users Have More Sex

As cannabis (marijuana) becomes medicine for millions again, and increasing numbers of states re-legalize its recreational use, it’s natural to want to know how it affects every aspect of our lives. Even sex. Data from 28,176 women and 22,943 men was gathered from the National Survey of Family Growth, including data from 2002, and from […]

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Marijuana Doubles Odds Of Female Orgasm Satisfaction

Yes, you read that correctly and you can stop blinking and rubbing your eyes. It seems you can find the most amazing things in the scientific literature. This study was based on an anonymous questionnaire filled out prospectively by females over 18 years of age in a single, academic, obstetrics and gynecology practice. To limit […]