beneficial cannabis CBD effect entourage extract marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research natural natural medicine plant terpenes terpenoids THC therapeutic whole

Medical Marijuana And The Whole Plant Advantage

It is an understatement to point out that the therapeutic application of cannabis (marijuana) is attracting substantial public and clinical interest. Although the primary interest so far has been on THC and CBD, the plant produces more than 100 different cannabinoids and has been referred to as a veritable “treasure trove”. Other metabolites called terpenes […]

anxiety appetite beneficial benefit benefits cannabidiol cannabinoid cannabinoids cannabis disease diseases dystonia endocannabinoid epilepsy glaucoma Huntington's insomnia marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medicinal medicine nausea pain Parkinson's plant positive PTSD terpenes terpenoids Tourette's vomiting

Medical Marijuana: From Plant To Medicine

Marijuana (cannabis) has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes, and following centuries of breeding, there are now over 700 varieties that contain hundreds of compounds, primarily cannabinoids and terpenes. Cannabinoids are fatty compounds which are the primary biologically active compounds, and terpenes are volatile plant compounds that are noted for their distinct […]