anti-inflammatory cannabinoids cannabis CBD entourage marijuana Medical Marijuana Research natural medicine

Marijuana Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Inflammation in one form or another is involved in nearly every disease process in some manner. With that in mind, the more we consume “anti-inflammatory” compounds, the healthier we may be able to stay. Cannabis (marijuana) has natural anti-inflammatory properties from cannabinoids as well as terpenes. Terpenes are found in all kinds of plants and […]

cannabis entourage marijuana Marinol medical Medical Marijuana Research medicine plant THC whole

When It Comes To Marijuana, Synthetic Isn’t The Same

Lets travel all the way back to 1985. At that time the FDA approved a drug containing THC called dronabinal, and the trade name is Marinol. Perhaps some of you have heard of it. It was approved for nausea and vomiting for chemotherapy patients. Forward to 1992 and it becomes recommended as a treatment for […]

beneficial cannabis CBD effect entourage extract marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research natural natural medicine plant terpenes terpenoids THC therapeutic whole

Medical Marijuana And The Whole Plant Advantage

It is an understatement to point out that the therapeutic application of cannabis (marijuana) is attracting substantial public and clinical interest. Although the primary interest so far has been on THC and CBD, the plant produces more than 100 different cannabinoids and has been referred to as a veritable “treasure trove”. Other metabolites called terpenes […]

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Medical Marijuana Dosages For Malignant Diseases

In order to assess the effectiveness of cannabis (marijuana) preparations for relieving pain in patients with malignant diseases, a comprehensive search of the literature up to 2017 was conducted. 18 predominantly double-blind trials were chosen which compared effectiveness of cannabis to placebo. 15 of the 18 trials demonstrated that cannabis had a significant effect, with […]