analgesic anti-anxiety athlete cannabis CBD marijuana Medical Marijuana Research THC

Marijuana Use In Active Athletes

1,161 athletes completed an anonymous survey regarding cannabis (marijuana) use and behaviors related to subjective benefits. Data on CBD and marijuana use was acknowledged by and compiled from 301 (26%) of those completing the survey. Most of them were male and 40 years of age or older.

About 63% of the cannabis users exercised 5-7 days per week, and more than 50% reported having pain lasting more than 3 months. Most of them consumed a combination of both THC and CBD.

The authors of this study share some interesting findings. It is suggested that adult athletes are using cannabis differently than adolescent and university athletes, as well as the general population. These athletes also reported higher only medical use.

They also feel their study indicates that a combination of THC and CBD creates greater analgesic and anti-anxiety effect based on these users.