anti-inflammatory cannabidiol cannabis cardiovascular CBD marijuana marijuana benefits Medical Marijuana Research

Marijuana Component Eases Heart Dysfunction

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an abundant component of the cannabis (marijuana) plant and has many proven therapeutic uses including creating an anti-inflammatory effect on many disease conditions. Diabetes can lead to diabetic cardiomyopathy, which involves heart dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative stress, cell death and more. In this study, CBD was evaluated for its effects on type I […]

age associated black blood pressure body cannabis cardiovascular cholesterol current HDL health heart index LDL less marijuana mass Medical Marijuana Research metabolic never patients size systolic triglycerides use waist

Marijuana Use And Metabolic Effects

As more states legalize marijuana (cannabis) in medical or recreational form, there is renewed interest on the metabolic effects from its use. This study evaluated how current marijuana use affects body weight and cardiovascular risk factors among black patients in Brooklyn. Socio-demographic, laboratory and clinical data were collected on 100 black patients with an average […]