anxiety appetite beneficial benefit benefits cannabidiol cannabinoid cannabinoids cannabis disease diseases dystonia endocannabinoid epilepsy glaucoma Huntington's insomnia marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medicinal medicine nausea pain Parkinson's plant positive PTSD terpenes terpenoids Tourette's vomiting

Medical Marijuana: From Plant To Medicine

Marijuana (cannabis) has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes, and following centuries of breeding, there are now over 700 varieties that contain hundreds of compounds, primarily cannabinoids and terpenes. Cannabinoids are fatty compounds which are the primary biologically active compounds, and terpenes are volatile plant compounds that are noted for their distinct […]

autoimmunity brain cannabis CBD disease drug drugs encephalopathy extract immune indica inflammation marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research MS multiple sclerosis nerve spinal spinal cord spine THC

Marijuana Extract For Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease leading to the destruction of myelin and nerve degeneration resulting in severe physical debilitation. Myelin surrounds the nerve similar to plastic surrounding an electrical wire. The disease can be treated with immunosuppressive drugs that alleviate the symptoms and slow disease aggravation. One of those drugs currently in clinical use […]

cannabis chronic cost cost saving costs death decrease disease healthcare hepatitis C infection liver marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research money non-user reduce users

Medical Marijuana For Chronic Liver Disease

The most common cause of chronic liver disease is from infection with the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). The effect of cannabis (marijuana) use on chronic liver disease has been controversial, so this paper investigates the impact of marijuana use among individuals with HCV infection. Between 2007 and 2014, hospital discharge records of those over 18 […]

balance beneficial benefit cannabis current disease fat fatigue function marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research memory MMJ mood MS multiple sclerosis neurological Parkinson's physical use users

MMJ Seems To Help Parkinson’s Disease & Multiple Sclerosis

Between February and October of 2015, an anonymous web-based survey was hosted on the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society webpages. The survey collected demographic and cannabis use information, and used standardized questionnaires to assess neurological function, fatigue, balance, and physical activity participation. There were 595 participants whose data was used […]

age alcohol anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant autoimmunity brain cannabinoids cannabis chronic disease diseases effective harm health immune inflammation marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medicinal medicine MMJ nerve nervous opioid opioids pain recreational reduction side effect side effects substance substances tobacco

Is Marijuana medicine?

For many, the first question may be: “Is marijuana really medicinal?” Once the propaganda has been pushed aside and facts are visible, it’s easy to find the answer is undoubtedly YES. First of all, consider that the United States government owns a patent on the marijuana plant due to it’s fantastic health properties. It’s # […]