Since cannabinoid (marijuana components) receptors are found in movement related brain regions, some wished to evaluate the effect marijuana may have on human movement. 22 marijuana users average age twenty-four, were matched with 22 non marijuana users average age twenty-five. They completed screening tests, a gait and balance test, and a clinical neurological examination of […]
Marijuana Does Not Seem To Decrease Kidney Function
It is biologically plausible that marijuana (cannabis) use could affect kidney function, and this cohort study set out to determine any relationships. Data from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study was used. Past or current marijuana use was reported by 83% (3,131 out of 3,765) of the study participants. The authors […]
Marijuana Munchies Won’t Make You Fatter
The authors of this study did a secondary analysis of data from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. They were investigating any relationship between cumulative lifetime and current marijuana (cannabis) use with abdominal fat, subcutaneous fat, intramuscular fat and any decreased function of the liver at midlife. 2902 participants who were […]
Marijuana Doubles Odds Of Female Orgasm Satisfaction
Yes, you read that correctly and you can stop blinking and rubbing your eyes. It seems you can find the most amazing things in the scientific literature. This study was based on an anonymous questionnaire filled out prospectively by females over 18 years of age in a single, academic, obstetrics and gynecology practice. To limit […]
Medical Marijuana Improves Brain Function
This study may very well represent the first neuroimaging investigation of patients using marijuana for medical purposes, and the results are both astounding and exciting! This is distinctly different from past evidence regarding recreational use showing potential cognitive deficits. The difference between medical and recreational use will be described further in a moment. At the […]
Does Marijuana Affect Cognitive Function?
It would appear that one of the greatest debates surrounding cannabis (marijuana) is whether or not it affects ones ability to acquire knowledge and understanding through thought, experience and the senses (cognition). The objective of this study was “to provide the first quantitative synthesis of the literature examining cannabis and cognitive functioning in adolescents and […]
MMJ Seems To Help Parkinson’s Disease & Multiple Sclerosis
Between February and October of 2015, an anonymous web-based survey was hosted on the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society webpages. The survey collected demographic and cannabis use information, and used standardized questionnaires to assess neurological function, fatigue, balance, and physical activity participation. There were 595 participants whose data was used […]
Smoking or vaping? Using your medical marijuana.
With the advent of “e-cigarettes” and the legalization of medical marijuana in many states comes the natural debate regarding the safety, efficacy and benefits of smoking marijuana vs. vaporizing it. It’s not entirely clear and settled yet, but here are some points to consider. In an article on JAMA Network Open, (here) a placebo-controlled crossover […]