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Medical Marijuana Often Substituted For Other Medicines

Previous studies have demonstrated that opioid deaths have reduced in states that have legalized medical cannabis (marijuana). One explanation is that patients simply substitute marijuana for opioids. This study evaluated whether substituting marijuana was true for other psychoactive medications. 1,513 dispensary members in New England completed an online survey regarding their marijuana usage and substitution […]

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Marijuana Use Associated With Less Diabetes

Data from this study was gathered from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey from 1988-1994. The total sample was 10,896 adults. Marijuana (cannabis) use was based on self-reporting. There were 4 groups determined by marijuana use. 61% were non-users, 30% were past users, 5% were light users (1-4 times/month), and 3% were heavy users […]

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Medical Marijuana Could Save Medicaid Million$

It is well known that the United States is experiencing an opoid epidemic, and around 40,000 die every year. With the many states which have legalized medical marijuana use we now have an opportunity to evaluate any effects on opioid use and health care expenditures. This study evaluated state level opioid prescription records for 1993-2014 […]

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Medical Marijuana: From Plant To Medicine

Marijuana (cannabis) has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes, and following centuries of breeding, there are now over 700 varieties that contain hundreds of compounds, primarily cannabinoids and terpenes. Cannabinoids are fatty compounds which are the primary biologically active compounds, and terpenes are volatile plant compounds that are noted for their distinct […]

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Medical Marijuana: Eases Pain of Fibromyalgia

This study was performed specifically to report on the habits of cannabis (marijuana) consumption among fibromyalgia patients in Israel. An internet based questionnaire which protected anonymity was posted to 3 large fibromyalgia Facebook groups in that country. There were 383 respondents. The mean age was 42, and 84% of them reported using cannabis, although only […]

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Marijuana: A Brief History

With the recent historical prohibition regarding the marijuana plant, most readers will be minimally aware of the long history of cannabis. For example, are you aware that the use of cannabis for both medicinal and recreational purposes dates back to at least 5000 years ago as described in Chinese medicine? It is also described in […]

age alcohol anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant autoimmunity brain cannabinoids cannabis chronic disease diseases effective harm health immune inflammation marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medicinal medicine MMJ nerve nervous opioid opioids pain recreational reduction side effect side effects substance substances tobacco

Is Marijuana medicine?

For many, the first question may be: “Is marijuana really medicinal?” Once the propaganda has been pushed aside and facts are visible, it’s easy to find the answer is undoubtedly YES. First of all, consider that the United States government owns a patent on the marijuana plant due to it’s fantastic health properties. It’s # […]