anti-inflammatory cannabis marijuana Medical Marijuana Research natural medicine plant synthetic THC

Marijuana Best Used As Whole Plant

Most individuals who promote herbs and natural plants for healing feel that there are 2 specific benefits for using the plant as provided by nature instead of synthetically and artificially attempting to isolate a single component and make it into a drug. These 2 benefits claimed are 1) primary active ingredients work best with the […]

cannabis marijuana Medical Marijuana Research obsessive-compulsive sativa THC Tourette's

Marijuana Treatment For Tourette’s Syndrome

Individuals have long claimed that cannabis sativa (marijuana) and the THC it contains is effective in the treatment of the involuntary tics and the behavioral disorders associated with Tourette’s Syndrome. 12 adult Tourette’s patients participated in this randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover single-dose trial of THC vs. placebo in order to assess the effects. They were […]

cannabis entourage marijuana Marinol medical Medical Marijuana Research medicine plant THC whole

When It Comes To Marijuana, Synthetic Isn’t The Same

Lets travel all the way back to 1985. At that time the FDA approved a drug containing THC called dronabinal, and the trade name is Marinol. Perhaps some of you have heard of it. It was approved for nausea and vomiting for chemotherapy patients. Forward to 1992 and it becomes recommended as a treatment for […]

anti-cancer anti-tumor cancer cannabis lung marijuana Medical Marijuana Research THC

Marijuana May Treat Some Lung Cancers

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States for both men and women. The high numbers of deaths result from a combination of the aggressive nature of the disease combined with poor responses to typical synthetic medicine approaches. THC is a primary cannabinoid in cannabis (marijuana) and has been shown […]

cannabis CBD cognitive impairment marijuana Medical Marijuana Research natural medicine psychosis ratio recreational THC

Medical Marijuana Balancing THC And CBD

In recent years, perhaps decades, there has been evidence that growers of cannabis (marijuana) have placed an effort on creating strains which have elevated levels of THC and decreased levels of CBD than were typically found in nature. Additional studies such as this one, have indicated that unwanted psychological effects can occur from the elevated […]

cannabis marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medication medications neuropathic pain THC

Medical Marijuana Low Dose Effective For Neuropathic Pain

This double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study was performed to determine the effects of cannabis (marijuana) doses on neuropathic pain uncontrolled by conventional medications. Neuropathic pain is considered to be maladaptive because “the pain neither protects nor supports healing and repair. This means there’s no reason to “tough it out”. Typical synthetic medicines give only partial relief […]

cannabis Crohn's disease inflammation irritable bowel disease marijuana Medical Marijuana Research sativa THC

Medical Marijuana Treatment Of Crohn’s Disease

An observation of ancient medicine shows us that Cannabis (marijuana) has been widely used to cure disturbances and inflammation of the bowel. It is not surprising then to find that in a prospective placebo-controlled study Cannabis sativa proved to be highly efficient in cases of inflammatory bowel diseases. This review refers to a study which […]

cannabinoids cannabis marijuana Medical Marijuana Research medicinal medicine natural medicine side effects synthetic THC

Medical Marijuana Safer Than Synthetic Versions

Synthetic versions of cannabis (marijuana) have become more popular recently. They are generally manufactured to reproduce the effects of THC, and are available to the consumer via traditional stores and the internet. While these products are usually purchased by the recreational user, what about using them for the medicinal effects that natural THC offers? That […]

brain cannabis cell marijuana Medical Marijuana Research THC

Marijuana And The Lie About Dead Brain Cells

Nearly everyone has heard the one about marijuana (cannabis) causing brain cells to die. Based on the number of times that propaganda was circulated around the United States you would think there were many studies of validity which found this to be true. You would be wrong. Quite wrong. In fact, when Ronald Reagan made […]

age Alzheimer's brain cannabinoids cannabis death Huntington's inflammation marijuana Medical Marijuana Research nerve Parkinson's THC

Marijuana For Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s & Huntington’s

Neurodegenerative diseases are typically associated with inflammation in the brain. Although unclear as to why, inflammation often damages proteins that get “sticky and twisted”, described as plaque and neurofibrillary tangles. This process in most age-dependent neurodegenerative diseases leads to nerve cell death and there are no current (synthetic) medications which effectively inhibit that cell death […]