The Public Health Program at Stockton University partnered with the Compassionate Care Foundation to ascertain the impact of medical marijuana on patients in New Jersey. Patients volunteered to complete a survey once a month for 8 months, exploring their use, form, and strain of medical marijuana and its influence on pain and 12 other physical […]
Marijuana Use Seems To Protect From Liver Disease
Abusing alcohol is highly associated with causing liver disease (ALD) characterized by alcoholic steatosis (AS), steatohepatitis (AH), fibrosis, cirrhosis (AC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Although the combined use of cannabis (marijuana) with alcohol and the development of liver disease remains unclear, cannabis has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect on human physiology. The authors […]
Medical Marijuana May Benefit This HIV Population
The HIV infected population is reported to have a disproportionately high utilization of cannabis (marijuana) in the US. This study focused on the impact of cannabis use on peripheral immune cell frequency, activation and function in 198 HIV-infected antiretroviral-treated individuals. Individuals were categorized into heavy, medium, occasional or non-cannabis users based on testing for metabolites […]
Marijuana And Heart Attacks
Myocardial infarction (MI) is commonly referred to as a “heart attack”. As marijuana use increases worldwide, more opportunities have arisen to determine what kind of effect it will have on those unfortunate enough to have a MI, or heart attack. This study set out to determine if the usage of marijuana had positive or negative […]
With Legal Marijuana, Will More Kids Use?
Due to the number of states changing their laws regarding both medicinal and recreational marijuana, some wonder about any increase in use, and alteration of perception of marijuana (cannabis) in the adolescent population. This study examines changes in adolescent marijuana use and related perceptions in Colorado, before and after the implementation of legal commercial sale […]
Medical Marijuana Concentrate Or Flower?
Concentrated cannabis (marijuana) has become increasingly available but little is known about the characteristics and profile of concentrate users. This article from the Journal of Addictive Behavior Reports set out to compare concentrate users to non-concentrate users in states with legal marijuana. It was performed by conducting an anonymous online survey in California, Colorado, Nevada, […]
Marijuana Use Associated With Less Diabetes
Yet another strange finding from the medical world involving the potential benefits of cannabis (marijuana) on human physiology. Researchers presumed that cannabis users should have a higher likelihood of diabetes than non users. They were wrong. In this study, the informational data was taken from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions III. […]
Medical Marijuana For Chronic Liver Disease
The most common cause of chronic liver disease is from infection with the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). The effect of cannabis (marijuana) use on chronic liver disease has been controversial, so this paper investigates the impact of marijuana use among individuals with HCV infection. Between 2007 and 2014, hospital discharge records of those over 18 […]
MMJ Seems To Help Parkinson’s Disease & Multiple Sclerosis
Between February and October of 2015, an anonymous web-based survey was hosted on the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society webpages. The survey collected demographic and cannabis use information, and used standardized questionnaires to assess neurological function, fatigue, balance, and physical activity participation. There were 595 participants whose data was used […]
Medical MMJ Users Express Healthier Habits Than Recreational Users
As the United States re-enters an era in which marijuana becomes legal again (state by state) for usage, there will still be many false stigmas which some will face with friends and family. A few of these may be oriented around the “you just want to get high” type of accusations, despite the fact you […]