cancer cannabis colon Medical Marijuana Research reduce tumor

Marijuana Component May Protect Against Colon Cancer

Colon cancer currently affects millions of individuals and is the #2 cancer killer. This study set out to determine the potential benefit of cannabidiol (a component of cannabis / marijuana) on colon carcinogenesis. In this in vivo study (inside living organism), mice were given a drug which would induce colon cancer and its associated findings. […]

benefit cannabis CBD epilepsy marijuana Medical Marijuana Research reduce reduction seizure seizures THC usage

Marijuana Preparations Usually Help Epilepsy

This study showed that 86% of 272 patients with refractory epilepsy experienced some benefit from the use of artisanal (non-standardized) cannabis preparations. This comes from retrospective data on patients with medically refractory epilepsy of mixed etiologies from Washington, California and Maine. Cannabis (marijuana) provided 100% reduction of seizures for 10% of the users, a 76-99% […]

cannabinoids drug drugs healing marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medicinal natural natural medicine plant synergistic terpenoids THC whole

Medical Marijuana: Whole Plant vs. Drugs With THC

The healing properties of plants have been used by humans for centuries, and cannabis sativa (marijuana) is one of the oldest ever used for medicinal purposes. In contrast to the whole plant or its extracts, medicinal products which only contain THC have been found to lack effectiveness and lead to unbearable side effects. The authors […]

anti-inflammatory cannabis cell HIV immune inflammation marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research use users virus

Medical Marijuana May Benefit This HIV Population

The HIV infected population is reported to have a disproportionately high utilization of cannabis (marijuana) in the US. This study focused on the impact of cannabis use on peripheral immune cell frequency, activation and function in 198 HIV-infected antiretroviral-treated individuals. Individuals were categorized into heavy, medium, occasional or non-cannabis users based on testing for metabolites […]

benefit cannabis CBD daily disease diseases doctor dosage dosages double-blind effect effective effects entourage leaf malignant marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research physician plant reduce reduction significant THC whole

Medical Marijuana Dosages For Malignant Diseases

In order to assess the effectiveness of cannabis (marijuana) preparations for relieving pain in patients with malignant diseases, a comprehensive search of the literature up to 2017 was conducted. 18 predominantly double-blind trials were chosen which compared effectiveness of cannabis to placebo. 15 of the 18 trials demonstrated that cannabis had a significant effect, with […]

aggression agitation cannabis endocannabinoid marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research neurological pet smoke THC toxic

Marijuana Smoke Can Affect Your Pet

Many are unaware that all mammals have an endocannabinoid system just like humans. This means your pets are subjected to not only the same potential benefits as humans, but also to the potential risks, and most of them are significantly smaller in size and thus far more vulnerable. In this case presentation, a 6 year […]

anxiety appetite beneficial benefit benefits cannabidiol cannabinoid cannabinoids cannabis disease diseases dystonia endocannabinoid epilepsy glaucoma Huntington's insomnia marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medicinal medicine nausea pain Parkinson's plant positive PTSD terpenes terpenoids Tourette's vomiting

Medical Marijuana: From Plant To Medicine

Marijuana (cannabis) has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes, and following centuries of breeding, there are now over 700 varieties that contain hundreds of compounds, primarily cannabinoids and terpenes. Cannabinoids are fatty compounds which are the primary biologically active compounds, and terpenes are volatile plant compounds that are noted for their distinct […]

alcohol cannabis habits health marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research MMJ natural natural medicine recreational use users

Medical MMJ Users Express Healthier Habits Than Recreational Users

As the United States re-enters an era in which marijuana becomes legal again (state by state) for usage, there will still be many false stigmas which some will face with friends and family. A few of these may be oriented around the “you just want to get high” type of accusations, despite the fact you […]