It would appear that one of the greatest debates surrounding cannabis (marijuana) is whether or not it affects ones ability to acquire knowledge and understanding through thought, experience and the senses (cognition). The objective of this study was “to provide the first quantitative synthesis of the literature examining cannabis and cognitive functioning in adolescents and […]
Tag: cannabis
Medical Marijuana Dosages For Malignant Diseases
In order to assess the effectiveness of cannabis (marijuana) preparations for relieving pain in patients with malignant diseases, a comprehensive search of the literature up to 2017 was conducted. 18 predominantly double-blind trials were chosen which compared effectiveness of cannabis to placebo. 15 of the 18 trials demonstrated that cannabis had a significant effect, with […]
Medical Marijuana: Talk With Your Oncologist
Nearly every state lists cancer as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana, yet the amount of evidence for utilization continues to remain small, due to historical difficulty in studying marijuana (cannabis) because of it’s recent prohibition. This means that your personal situation may be left to the discrepancy of your personal physician. In this study, […]
Marijuana: Effects Of Natural vs. Synthetic
Medical marijuana (cannabis) is defined as the use of the whole, unprocessed marijuana plant or its extracts for medicinal purposes. Therefore in most medical instances synthetic versions of marijuana are not even considered. However, for educational purposes it might be wise for the patient to be aware of the difference in effects on the body. […]
Medical Marijuana: Save $ And Reduce Pain
Medical cannabis (marijuana) is commonly stated to be effective in reducing chronic pain. In this small retrospective, mirror-image study, 29 patients with a qualifying condition for medical marijuana in the state of New York were evaluated via a quality of life questionnaire. Following 3 months of medical cannabis therapy, quality of life improved, pain and […]
Medical Marijuana Could Save Medicaid Million$
It is well known that the United States is experiencing an opoid epidemic, and around 40,000 die every year. With the many states which have legalized medical marijuana use we now have an opportunity to evaluate any effects on opioid use and health care expenditures. This study evaluated state level opioid prescription records for 1993-2014 […]
Marijuana And Heart Attacks
Myocardial infarction (MI) is commonly referred to as a “heart attack”. As marijuana use increases worldwide, more opportunities have arisen to determine what kind of effect it will have on those unfortunate enough to have a MI, or heart attack. This study set out to determine if the usage of marijuana had positive or negative […]
Marijuana Smoke Can Affect Your Pet
Many are unaware that all mammals have an endocannabinoid system just like humans. This means your pets are subjected to not only the same potential benefits as humans, but also to the potential risks, and most of them are significantly smaller in size and thus far more vulnerable. In this case presentation, a 6 year […]
With Legal Marijuana, Will More Kids Use?
Due to the number of states changing their laws regarding both medicinal and recreational marijuana, some wonder about any increase in use, and alteration of perception of marijuana (cannabis) in the adolescent population. This study examines changes in adolescent marijuana use and related perceptions in Colorado, before and after the implementation of legal commercial sale […]
Medical Marijuana States Have Lower Workplace Fatalities
Workplace fatalities by state and year were obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for all 50 states and the District of Columbia for the years of 1992-2015. Historically, there was increasing concern that legalizing marijuana (cannabis) would make the workplace more dangerous, although little was known. The study published in October of 2018 in […]