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Medical Marijuana Reduces Pain By 64%

These days it’s becoming easier and easier to find positive news about the pain reducing effects of cannabis (marijuana). Sometimes these results come from complex clinical trials, and sometimes simply from real patient feedback. In this report of medical marijuana users in Hawaii, 100 individuals seeking re-certification were asked to complete a survey regarding the […]

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Marijuana Component Eases Schizophrenia

The search for effective drugs to treat schizophrenia is complicated by the fact that the disorder is complex and involves multiple neurotransmitters (brain chemicals). The endocannabinoid system is one of the systems which is altered in this disease. In this double-blind study the effects of the cannabis (marijuana) component, cannabidiol, was compared to amisulpride—one of […]

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Medical Marijuana Eases Spasticity Of Spinal Injuries

Many nations in the western world have recently been revising their laws on the medical use of cannabis (marijuana). In Switzerland the Department of Health has been granting special permission for marijuana and cannabinoids. In this Swiss analysis, the authors acknowledge that some randomized controlled trials have shown a good efficacy for spasticity associated with […]

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Medical Marijuana Dosages For Malignant Diseases

In order to assess the effectiveness of cannabis (marijuana) preparations for relieving pain in patients with malignant diseases, a comprehensive search of the literature up to 2017 was conducted. 18 predominantly double-blind trials were chosen which compared effectiveness of cannabis to placebo. 15 of the 18 trials demonstrated that cannabis had a significant effect, with […]

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Medical Marijuana: Talk With Your Oncologist

Nearly every state lists cancer as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana, yet the amount of evidence for utilization continues to remain small, due to historical difficulty in studying marijuana (cannabis) because of it’s recent prohibition. This means that your personal situation may be left to the discrepancy of your personal physician. In this study, […]