anti-inflammatory cannabis current diabetes immune less marijuana Medical Marijuana Research medicine natural natural medicine non-user use

Marijuana Use Associated With Less Diabetes

Data from this study was gathered from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey from 1988-1994. The total sample was 10,896 adults. Marijuana (cannabis) use was based on self-reporting. There were 4 groups determined by marijuana use. 61% were non-users, 30% were past users, 5% were light users (1-4 times/month), and 3% were heavy users […]

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Medical Marijuana Users Substitute For Medical Drugs

The use of medical marijuana (cannabis) is continually increasing and it is most commonly used for pain, anxiety and depression. New information suggests that use and abuse of prescription drugs is decreasing where marijuana laws have been enacted. In this study, 2,774 individuals who reported using marijuana at least once in the previous 90 days, […]

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Medical Marijuana And The Whole Plant Advantage

It is an understatement to point out that the therapeutic application of cannabis (marijuana) is attracting substantial public and clinical interest. Although the primary interest so far has been on THC and CBD, the plant produces more than 100 different cannabinoids and has been referred to as a veritable “treasure trove”. Other metabolites called terpenes […]

anxiety cannabis cognition cognitive drug drugs effect effects failure heart hypertension impairment kidney kidneys lung lungs marijuana Medical Marijuana Research natural natural medicine pain plant psychological psychosis serious side effect side effects synthetic whole

Marijuana: Effects Of Natural vs. Synthetic

Medical marijuana (cannabis) is defined as the use of the whole, unprocessed marijuana plant or its extracts for medicinal purposes. Therefore in most medical instances synthetic versions of marijuana are not even considered. However, for educational purposes it might be wise for the patient to be aware of the difference in effects on the body. […]

brain cannabinoid cannabinoids cannabis endocannabinoid history immune marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medication medicinal medicine recreational

Marijuana: A Brief History

With the recent historical prohibition regarding the marijuana plant, most readers will be minimally aware of the long history of cannabis. For example, are you aware that the use of cannabis for both medicinal and recreational purposes dates back to at least 5000 years ago as described in Chinese medicine? It is also described in […]

cannabis death doctor marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medication MMJ opioid opioids pain reduce reduction relief substitute substituted synthetic

Marijuana vs. Opioids

The most common reason given for beginning medical marijuana (MMJ) is for the alleviation of pain in the body, regardless of the specific disease condition. Why do people choose MMJ, and how effective is it, are acceptable questions to ask yourself before working with your doctor to gain access to natures medicine. The answers are […]

age alcohol anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant autoimmunity brain cannabinoids cannabis chronic disease diseases effective harm health immune inflammation marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medicinal medicine MMJ nerve nervous opioid opioids pain recreational reduction side effect side effects substance substances tobacco

Is Marijuana medicine?

For many, the first question may be: “Is marijuana really medicinal?” Once the propaganda has been pushed aside and facts are visible, it’s easy to find the answer is undoubtedly YES. First of all, consider that the United States government owns a patent on the marijuana plant due to it’s fantastic health properties. It’s # […]