cannabis diabetes liver marijuana Medical Marijuana Research non-user obesity

Marijuana Associated With Less Diabetes, Obesity And Liver Disease

“Cannabis use is associated with reduced prevalence of obesity and diabetes mellitus in humans and mouse disease models.” That is the very first sentence in the abstract of this published paper which went on to explore the association of cannabis (marijuana) with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Again the findings regarding the benefits of marijuana […]

cannabis disease diseases liver marijuana Medical Marijuana Research protect protects

Marijuana Use Protects Against Some Liver Disease

In general, the effects of marijuana (cannabis) on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are largely unknown. The authors of this study analyzed participant data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for both suspected and diagnosed NAFLD. Data from 14,080 participants from 2005-2014, and an additional 8,286 from 1988-1994 was evaluated. Prevalence of both […]