Living with a medical condition can easily alter ones mood, and medical marijuana (cannabis) users who consume this natural medicine may have depression associated with their symptoms, but do marijuana users in general have depression? This study evaluated 4,400 adult users via the internet by completing The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale and measures […]
Tag: non-user
Medical Marijuana Does Not Inhibit Motivation
The proponents of any type of prohibition will often promote undocumented ideas to promote their own, and the same is true of those who would continue the oppression of cannabis (marijuana) prohibition. One of those assertions is that marijuana drains a users motivation, creates apathy and a general inability to progress in life. In order […]
Marijuana Users Retain Brain Function
There are many who still question both the short and long term potential effects of cannabis (marijuana) use on multiple aspects of brain function, and those questions may take decades to fully answer. However, this study attempted to determine the non-acute effects of marijuana use on associative memory investigated with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). […]
Marijuana Use Enhances Creativity
There are many artists of all types who claim to express greater creative ability when under the influence of cannabis (marijuana). But other than self-reported anecdotal evidence, what do we have? This study compared 15 abstinent marijuana users, 15 abstinent MDMA / ecstasy users, and 15 non-drug users in a battery of objective and subjective […]
Marijuana Use Did Not Impair Healing From Trauma Injury
It has been questioned if cannabis (marijuana) users have any impairment in healing following traumatic injury. This study used a retrospective chart review over a 2 year period from a Level I trauma center on patients having a toxicology report and a Injury Severity Score of more than 16. Differences in presenting characteristics, hospital length […]
Marijuana And The Debate About Brain Volume
The hippocampus is a component of the brain associated with long term memory and spatial navigation. There has been ongoing debate regarding the effect of cannabis (marijuana) on hippocampal volume, and whether or not earlier age initiation of use, or higher doses of marijuana have any effect on its size. This study matched 20 heavy […]
Marijuana Use Seems To Protect From Liver Disease
Abusing alcohol is highly associated with causing liver disease (ALD) characterized by alcoholic steatosis (AS), steatohepatitis (AH), fibrosis, cirrhosis (AC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Although the combined use of cannabis (marijuana) with alcohol and the development of liver disease remains unclear, cannabis has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect on human physiology. The authors […]
Marijuana And Heart Attacks
Myocardial infarction (MI) is commonly referred to as a “heart attack”. As marijuana use increases worldwide, more opportunities have arisen to determine what kind of effect it will have on those unfortunate enough to have a MI, or heart attack. This study set out to determine if the usage of marijuana had positive or negative […]
With Legal Marijuana, Will More Kids Use?
Due to the number of states changing their laws regarding both medicinal and recreational marijuana, some wonder about any increase in use, and alteration of perception of marijuana (cannabis) in the adolescent population. This study examines changes in adolescent marijuana use and related perceptions in Colorado, before and after the implementation of legal commercial sale […]
Marijuana Use Associated With Less Diabetes
Yet another strange finding from the medical world involving the potential benefits of cannabis (marijuana) on human physiology. Researchers presumed that cannabis users should have a higher likelihood of diabetes than non users. They were wrong. In this study, the informational data was taken from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions III. […]