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Medical Marijuana Often Substituted For Other Medicines

Previous studies have demonstrated that opioid deaths have reduced in states that have legalized medical cannabis (marijuana). One explanation is that patients simply substitute marijuana for opioids. This study evaluated whether substituting marijuana was true for other psychoactive medications. 1,513 dispensary members in New England completed an online survey regarding their marijuana usage and substitution […]

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Medical Marijuana: Save $ And Reduce Pain

Medical cannabis (marijuana) is commonly stated to be effective in reducing chronic pain. In this small retrospective, mirror-image study, 29 patients with a qualifying condition for medical marijuana in the state of New York were evaluated via a quality of life questionnaire. Following 3 months of medical cannabis therapy, quality of life improved, pain and […]

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Medical Marijuana Could Save Medicaid Million$

It is well known that the United States is experiencing an opoid epidemic, and around 40,000 die every year. With the many states which have legalized medical marijuana use we now have an opportunity to evaluate any effects on opioid use and health care expenditures. This study evaluated state level opioid prescription records for 1993-2014 […]

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Medical Marijuana States Have Lower Workplace Fatalities

Workplace fatalities by state and year were obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for all 50 states and the District of Columbia for the years of 1992-2015. Historically, there was increasing concern that legalizing marijuana (cannabis) would make the workplace more dangerous, although little was known. The study published in October of 2018 in […]

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Marijuana vs. Opioids

The most common reason given for beginning medical marijuana (MMJ) is for the alleviation of pain in the body, regardless of the specific disease condition. Why do people choose MMJ, and how effective is it, are acceptable questions to ask yourself before working with your doctor to gain access to natures medicine. The answers are […]