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Medical Marijuana May Reduce Substance Use

The Cannabis Access for Medical Purposes Survey is a 414-question cross-sectional survey that was completed by 473 adults who use cannabis (marijuana) for therapeutic purposes between 2011-2012. This study examines the use of cannabis as a substitute for alcohol, illicit substances and prescription drugs. Substituting medical marijuana for one of the above substances was reported […]

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Why Some Use Marijuana Instead Of Opioids

Even though there is little evidence that they are effective for the long term, chronic pain patients are commonly treated with opioids. The purpose of this study was to determine if using medical cannabis (marijuana) for chronic pain changed individual patterns of opioid use. A survey of 244 medical marijuana patients with chronic pain was […]

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Medical Marijuana Often Substituted For Other Medicines

Previous studies have demonstrated that opioid deaths have reduced in states that have legalized medical cannabis (marijuana). One explanation is that patients simply substitute marijuana for opioids. This study evaluated whether substituting marijuana was true for other psychoactive medications. 1,513 dispensary members in New England completed an online survey regarding their marijuana usage and substitution […]

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Medical Marijuana Users Substitute For Medical Drugs

The use of medical marijuana (cannabis) is continually increasing and it is most commonly used for pain, anxiety and depression. New information suggests that use and abuse of prescription drugs is decreasing where marijuana laws have been enacted. In this study, 2,774 individuals who reported using marijuana at least once in the previous 90 days, […]