cannabis current decrease function kidney marijuana Medical Marijuana Research past use

Marijuana Does Not Seem To Decrease Kidney Function

It is biologically plausible that marijuana (cannabis) use could affect kidney function, and this cohort study set out to determine any relationships. Data from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study was used. Past or current marijuana use was reported by 83% (3,131 out of 3,765) of the study participants. The authors […]

cannabis disease diseases liver marijuana Medical Marijuana Research protect protects

Marijuana Use Protects Against Some Liver Disease

In general, the effects of marijuana (cannabis) on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are largely unknown. The authors of this study analyzed participant data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for both suspected and diagnosed NAFLD. Data from 14,080 participants from 2005-2014, and an additional 8,286 from 1988-1994 was evaluated. Prevalence of both […]

benefit benefits decrease energy health inflammation marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research mental mood pain physical positive seizure seizures spasm strain therapeutic use users

Medical Marijuana Has Positive Therapeutic Benefits

The Public Health Program at Stockton University partnered with the Compassionate Care Foundation to ascertain the impact of medical marijuana on patients in New Jersey. Patients volunteered to complete a survey once a month for 8 months, exploring their use, form, and strain of medical marijuana and its influence on pain and 12 other physical […]

alcohol anti-inflammatory disease liver marijuana Medical Marijuana Research non-user protect protects users

Marijuana Use Seems To Protect From Liver Disease

Abusing alcohol is highly associated with causing liver disease (ALD) characterized by alcoholic steatosis (AS), steatohepatitis (AH), fibrosis, cirrhosis (AC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Although the combined use of cannabis (marijuana) with alcohol and the development of liver disease remains unclear, cannabis has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect on human physiology. The authors […]

cancer cannabis decrease effective elderly eliminate improvement marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medication medications opioid opioids pain patient patients reduce safe therapeutic

Medical Marijuana Use In The Elderly

Medical marijuana has slowly become increasingly utilized by all segments of the population, including among the elderly. This study aimed to assess the characteristics of elderly people using medical cannabis and to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the treatment. From January 2015 to October 2017, 2,736 patients greater than 65 years of age began […]

brain cannabis development marijuana Medical Marijuana Research MRI size use volume

Marijuana Does Not Affect Brain Size Or Volume

It is very likely that anyone who has heard the term “marijuana” has also heard of its supposed negative effects on brain development. One manner of evaluating brain development is the measurement of volume or size of various individual regions. The authors of this study set out to evaluate the reputed impact of cannabis (marijuana) […]

death decrease heart heart attack hospital marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research non-user positive use users

Marijuana And Heart Attacks

Myocardial infarction (MI) is commonly referred to as a “heart attack”. As marijuana use increases worldwide, more opportunities have arisen to determine what kind of effect it will have on those unfortunate enough to have a MI, or heart attack. This study set out to determine if the usage of marijuana had positive or negative […]

adolescent cannabis decline juvenile law laws legalize marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research non-user recreational use users youth

With Legal Marijuana, Will More Kids Use?

Due to the number of states changing their laws regarding both medicinal and recreational marijuana, some wonder about any increase in use, and alteration of perception of marijuana (cannabis) in the adolescent population. This study examines changes in adolescent marijuana use and related perceptions in Colorado, before and after the implementation of legal commercial sale […]

abuse cannabis concentrate flower frequency leaf marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research plant risk smoke smoked smoking THC use users vape whole

Medical Marijuana Concentrate Or Flower?

Concentrated cannabis (marijuana) has become increasingly available but little is known about the characteristics and profile of concentrate users. This article from the Journal of Addictive Behavior Reports set out to compare concentrate users to non-concentrate users in states with legal marijuana. It was performed by conducting an anonymous online survey in California, Colorado, Nevada, […]

balance beneficial benefit cannabis current disease fat fatigue function marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research memory MMJ mood MS multiple sclerosis neurological Parkinson's physical use users

MMJ Seems To Help Parkinson’s Disease & Multiple Sclerosis

Between February and October of 2015, an anonymous web-based survey was hosted on the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society webpages. The survey collected demographic and cannabis use information, and used standardized questionnaires to assess neurological function, fatigue, balance, and physical activity participation. There were 595 participants whose data was used […]