balance beneficial benefit cannabis current disease fat fatigue function marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research memory MMJ mood MS multiple sclerosis neurological Parkinson's physical use users

MMJ Seems To Help Parkinson’s Disease & Multiple Sclerosis

Between February and October of 2015, an anonymous web-based survey was hosted on the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society webpages. The survey collected demographic and cannabis use information, and used standardized questionnaires to assess neurological function, fatigue, balance, and physical activity participation. There were 595 participants whose data was used […]

alcohol cannabis habits health marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research MMJ natural natural medicine recreational use users

Medical MMJ Users Express Healthier Habits Than Recreational Users

As the United States re-enters an era in which marijuana becomes legal again (state by state) for usage, there will still be many false stigmas which some will face with friends and family. A few of these may be oriented around the “you just want to get high” type of accusations, despite the fact you […]

attention cannabis CBD dosage dosages function impairment marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research memory MMJ psychomotor smoke smoked smoking THC vape

Smoking or vaping? Using your medical marijuana.

With the advent of “e-cigarettes” and the legalization of medical marijuana in many states comes the natural debate regarding the safety, efficacy and benefits of smoking marijuana vs. vaporizing it. It’s not entirely clear and settled yet, but here are some points to consider. In an article on JAMA Network Open, (here) a placebo-controlled crossover […]

cannabis harm marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medicinal MMJ natural natural medicine synthetic

Why not synthetic marijuana?

With all the interest in medical marijuana (cannabis) today many wonder about using synthetic imitations of natures medicinal plant. To mimic the bliss effects of marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids (some of marijuana’s chemicals) have been sprayed onto plant material and have been shown to attach to the same receptors in the human body as the natural […]

cannabis death doctor marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medication MMJ opioid opioids pain reduce reduction relief substitute substituted synthetic

Marijuana vs. Opioids

The most common reason given for beginning medical marijuana (MMJ) is for the alleviation of pain in the body, regardless of the specific disease condition. Why do people choose MMJ, and how effective is it, are acceptable questions to ask yourself before working with your doctor to gain access to natures medicine. The answers are […]

age alcohol anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant autoimmunity brain cannabinoids cannabis chronic disease diseases effective harm health immune inflammation marijuana medical Medical Marijuana Research medicinal medicine MMJ nerve nervous opioid opioids pain recreational reduction side effect side effects substance substances tobacco

Is Marijuana medicine?

For many, the first question may be: “Is marijuana really medicinal?” Once the propaganda has been pushed aside and facts are visible, it’s easy to find the answer is undoubtedly YES. First of all, consider that the United States government owns a patent on the marijuana plant due to it’s fantastic health properties. It’s # […]