cancer cannabis chemotherapy marijuana Medical Marijuana Research

Marijuana Considerations With Chemotherapy

Many have read that cannabis (marijuana) can have positive effects on cancer and some patients may incorporate it into their regimen. However, some studies such as this one demonstrate that in some cases cannabis can interfere with the concentration of a prescription drug in your body.

In an interview with Leafly, Dr. Rosado, who has treated nearly 400 cancer patients with cannabis, points out that nearly 60% of all drugs on the market are broken down by the same enzymes in the liver. If you add orally consumed cannabis to these drugs, such as chemotherapy drugs, then there is competition for that breakdown process and it can alter drug levels in the body of that person.

Dr. Rosado says that consuming cannabis in another fashion such as vaping, topical patches, creams or suppositories will alter the interaction with the liver and is a safer choice for chemotherapy patients.