Nearly every state lists cancer as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana, yet the amount of evidence for utilization continues to remain small, due to historical difficulty in studying marijuana (cannabis) because of it’s recent prohibition. This means that your personal situation may be left to the discrepancy of your personal physician.
In this study, oncologists were surveyed to understand their positions on medical marijuana. If you’ve been hesitant to speak with your doctor about it, you may find this to be generally good news.
It turns out that while most of them feel they are not as informed as they wish to be, 46% had recommended marijuana clinically, 67% viewed it as a helpful adjunct for pain management, 65% thought it was equally or more effective than other therapies for cachexia and anorexia, and 80% had conducted discussions with their patients about it.
If you haven’t done so, you should feel comfortable approaching your oncologist regarding medical marijuana.