While the active ingredient of cannabis (marijuana) known as THC is considered to be a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, this study sought to determine the safety and effectiveness of medical cannabis oil containing THC as an addition to other pharmacologicals. Specifically, they sought to evaluate it’s effect on alleviating behavioral and psychological symptoms of […]
Marijuana Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Inflammation in one form or another is involved in nearly every disease process in some manner. With that in mind, the more we consume “anti-inflammatory” compounds, the healthier we may be able to stay. Cannabis (marijuana) has natural anti-inflammatory properties from cannabinoids as well as terpenes. Terpenes are found in all kinds of plants and […]
Marijuana Does Not Alter Brain Structure
As part of the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort, high-resolution T1-weighted MRIs were obtained from 781 youth aged 14–22 years. This sample included 147 cannabis (marijuana) users (109 used 1–2 times per week and 38 used 3 or more times per week) and 634 cannabis non-users. Several structural neuroimaging measures were examined, established procedures for stringent quality […]
Marijuana Treatment For Fibromyalgia Pain
211 fibromyalgia patients with an average age of 53 years were recruited, participated, and completed this prospective observational study which included a six month follow up. 82% were women and all patients completed a questionnaire in a specialized medical cannabis (marijuana) clinic. Pain intensity (0-10 scale) at the 6 month follow up was reduced on […]
Marijuana Users Not Increasing Auto Accidents
Impairment laws for driving must be followed even in states with legal cannabis (marijuana) consumption, but here are some interesting findings regarding marijuana consumption and traffic accidents. This prospective case control study analyzed crash participants from trauma centers in British Columbia Canada. Broad spectrum toxicology was performed on injured drivers which quantified alcohol and THC, […]
Marijuana Could Suppress Encephalomyelitis
Effectively modulating the immune system could be therapeutically important for diseases such as multiple sclerosis. THC from cannabis (marijuana) has been shown to be immunosuppressive, and was tested to see if it could suppress an immune-mediated disease, experimentally induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). In this animal study, rats and guinea pigs were treated with THC either […]
Marijuana Worked Just As Well As This Asthma Drug
In this study from 1975, 8 patients with clinically stable bronchial asthma were studied. Bronchospasm was induced either chemically or from exercise, and the reduction of airway conduction and the increase of thoracic gas volume was noted. Results showed that smoking 500 mg of cannabis (marijuana) containing 2% THC worked as well as isoproterenol in […]
Why Marijuana Composition Matters
As the scientific world studies the effects of our populations renewed interest in the cannabis (marijuana) plant, many read conflicting information regarding its effects on such things as memory, cognition and emotion. Some studies demonstrate alterations in short term memory while others do not. Some claim benefits while others claim harm. In the end it […]
Suicides Decrease After Medical Marijuana Legalization
Data on suicides was gathered from the National Vital Statistics System on individuals 15 years of age and older for 1990-2007. The objective was to determine any association between suicide and medical marijuana (cannabis) legalization. Researchers made adjustments for economic conditions, state policies, and state specific linear time trends. Since it is known that males […]
Marijuana Drivers Safer Than Alcohol Drivers
In the National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration’s Marijuana-Impaired Driving Report to congress they noted some interesting findings. According to this official report, marijuana-dosed subjects tended to drive below the speed limit, to allow for greater distances for vehicles ahead of them, and took fewer risks than when they were not under the influence of […]